Harvest From a Garden you LOVE being in!

If you've been thinking about growing more of your own food, but are holding back because you have information overload...

Or if you just don't know where to start.

Our Edible Garden Makeover program gives you the ideas, knowledge, and confidence to make a unique edible landscape for your yard and your needs.

Making an Edible Garden Tailored to You

Stephen Aber

5 star rating

“I didn't know what to expect But Steven presented a mixture of concepts, ideas, and tips in a very casual but sensible and organized manner. Actually to use a word that he used frequently - he weaved together a very thought-provoking garden course.”

“I didn't know what to expect But Steven presented a mixture of concepts, ideas, and tips in a very casual but sensible and organized manner. Actually to use a word that he used frequently - he weaved together a very thought-provoking garden course.”

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You want to grow more of your own food but…

You don't know where to start.

You have information overload.

You’re not sure what’s best for your yard.

How to Come up With a Plan (and get started!)

Don't settle for a cookie-cutter design. You can make something that’s completely your own.

Here’s a good way to get started:

  • Sort Out What You’d Like

    Sounds obvious. But it’s easy to overlook. Look at garden pictures. Walk through gardens. And then jot down the things that you really like and want to have in your edible landscape. Could be plants—and could also be landscape features. (For me, it’s flagstone and figs!)

  • Know Your Space

    Ever see pathways through a garden where people take a shortcut? That’s poor garden planning. Think about how you use your yard, where you walk, where the tap it. Use this as you create your plan. Then you won’t always be frustrated when the hose flattens your tomato plants or people walk on your lettuce.

  • Nail Down Design Basics

    Sometimes little design details make a big difference. They can make a garden really shine. Things like groupings, repetition, and varying height, colour, and texture. None of this is complicated. But if it’s on your mind as you start to plan your edible landscape, you’ll create something extra special.

Edible Garden Makeover

This masterclass takes you through the steps of making a productive edible landscape that you LOVE to be in.

  • Informative videos help you get a handle on the conditions in your yard, design, hardscaping, using space well, and containers. Find out about a wide range of crops including vegetables, herbs, edible flowers, and fruit. Take an edible-garden tour to get your creative juices flowing. Over 7 hours of video instruction. Value $250.

  • Tip Sheets and Checklists for quick reference. Value $50.

  • Membership in our online community so you can ask your edible-landscaping and food gardening questions any time. Value $100.

Create Your Own Unique Garden...Don't Settle for Less

There's a unique edible landscaping solution for every space. Big or small.

We give you design and crop fundamentals.

And help you think outside the box to make the perfect edible landscape for your yard.

Choose Your Program

Don't waste money on plants or gardens that aren't right for your yard

  • Edible Garden Makeover

    Videos - $250 value
    Tip Sheets - $25 value
    Checklists - $25 vaule
    Community - $100 value

    $400 value for


    Start Now
  • Edible Landscaping Apprenticeship

    Tip Sheets

    Email support - $25 value
    Live Q+A - $25 value

    $450 value for


    Start Now
  • Edible Landscaping Camp

    Tip Sheets

    Email support
    Live Q+A

    Engaging live classes
    ONLY 30 Spots

    $50 value

    $500 value for


    Reserve Your Spot

Dates for Upcoming Live Events

Live Q+A

7:30 p.m. ET, by Zoom

  • June 9, 2025

2025 Edible Landscaping Camp

An annual event! 2 evenings of live edible landscaping instruction, discussion, and Q+A.

7:30 p.m. ET, by Zoom

  • March 17, 2025
  • March 20, 2025


Live events are recorded. If something comes up at the last minute, you won't miss out.

Hey there!

I'm Steven Biggs

I'm a home edible gardening expert, horticulturist, and former horticulture instructor with Durham and George Brown Colleges in Canada. I was recognized by Garden Making Magazine as one of the "green gang" making a difference in horticulture.

My passion is incorporating edible crops into home gardens. My Toronto yard includes a driveway garden, rooftop kitchen garden, potager garden, raised beds, cold frames, and lots and lots of veg, fruit, and herbs dotted all over the landscape. The yard is my palette.

I've worked in the horticultural industry for over 25 years. One of my more memorable projects was transforming my own driveway into an edible landscape. (The paving guy thought I was nuts when I asked him to remove the asphalt…but not replace it.)

I’d love it if you join me to explore all sorts of fun food gardening and landscaping ideas.

Risk Free

We're committed to your success.

We’ll give you a full refund within 30 days of purchasing the course if you feel that it's not for you.

No questions asked.

What Students Say

Make a garden your neighbours admire for less than the cost of a gym memberhip

“The course motivated me to form a plan, not a perfect one, but one that was realistic. Got me to jump-start this season's planting, while allowing me to imagine how my garden can continue to evolve. Encouraged me to dream of possible locations (rooftops, straw bales) and unfamiliar plants (haskap, Cornelian cherry) to grow. Emboldened me to test the limits of my growing conditions! The course encouraged me to seek unfamiliar edible plants, techniques, and tools while enabling me to let go of perfectionistic tendencies. ”

“I found the course extremely inspirational. It is for both new and well-seasoned gardeners. You gave us a lot of unique ideas of things we could easily do in our gardens, whether they were in sun or shade and big or small. You showed us how beautiful our gardens can be by incorporating both unique and common edibles to our gardens. Many of these ideas, were ones I had never seen before. This course will be something I'll refer back to years to come. I was inspired by the edible hedge you showed and I installed one based on your recommendation. ”

“Steve wanted us to think outside the box to utilize every inch of our property to grow vegetable plants or flowers. He wanted us to use the backyard, front yard, south-facing part of our property, any areas where there was a micro-climate (take the class and you’ll find out what that means), and yes, even the roof of our house. I’ve been an amateur gardener for 30-plus years and I can honestly say I learned so much from Steve’s Edible Garden Makeover Course. Thanks, Steve, for sharing your knowledge and helping me think outside the box!”

"I'm sending some photos of my very first vegetable garden, inspired by you."

These words from a former student really inspire me

This was a follow-up note at the end of the season. My student grew her own tomato plants from seed for the first time, wove edible plants into her gardens — and found that her neighbours were as interested in the progress of her garden as she was.

She loved taking care of those vegetable plants more than all of the other plants in the garden.

"I'm hooked," she told me.


  • I already grow food. Is for me?

    This course goes beyond just growing crops. It’s also about the creative side of gardening…about designing a garden you love to be in. That touches your senses. That’s different from everyone else’s. This course helps you reimagine your landscape.

  • What if I sign up for the Apprenticeship or Camp and can't attend the live events?

    The live events are recorded so that you can watch them afterwards.

  • How long do I have access to the material?

    You have unlimited access for 1 year.

  • What's the online community that's included with the programs?

    The Food Garden Gang community is for students currently enrolled in our courses. We have Q+A areas for a number of food-gardening topics, including edible landscaping. You can ask your questions, and share your wins.

  • I have specific questions about my garden. Which option is best?

    At Edible Landscaping Camp we take time to discuss individual questions. We look at pictures from attendees and then explore ideas and best practices. We also dig into specific questions at the live Q+A events.

  • What currency are your prices in?

    Canadian dollars.

    (Which might make this even better value if you're outside of Canada! Even though many online businesses worldwide charge USD...I just don't like paying USD when shopping in Canada. That's why I charge C$.)

  • What if this isn't for me?

    We’ll give you a full refund within 30 days of purchasing the course. No questions asked.

Create Your Own Unique Edible Landscape

Make a garden that's the talk of your neighbourhood!

  • Edible Garden Makeover

    Start any time!


    Start Now
  • Edible Landscaping Apprenticeship

    Start any time!

    And get answers to your questions at the live Q+A events and by email.


    Start Now
  • Edible Landscaping Camp

    March 17 and 20, 2025
    7:30 - 9:30 p.m. ET

    Only 30 spots, so reserve yours today!


    Reserve Your Spot Now