Helping You Choose the Best Fruit to Grow at Home

Use fruit plants for hedges, arbours, ground covers, shade trees, specimen plants (and to hide your neighbour’s ugly fence!)

There are lots of fruit crops that are a great fit for home gardens and edible landscapes.

You just need to match the crop to the conditions. And to your taste.

Fruit in the landscape can be productive AND attractive.

Our fruit programs help you choose delicious, low-maintenance fruit. And tell you what you need to know so that it thrives!

Get Set up for Success!

Helping Cold-Climate Gardeners Worldwide

“Thank you for a wonderful class and all of your advice. I've already started to plan how to put fruit into my landscape.”

Not Sure Which Fruit to Grow in Your Yard?

There are lots of options for home gardens and edible landscapes in cold climates

But some need conditions you don’t have.

Some seem like a lot of work.

And you’re not really sure where to get started!

How to Choose Well (and enjoy homegrown fruit!)

Every landscape is different. And the best fruits to grow depends on the conditions and your taste.

To get started, think about these 3 things:

  • Remember Sunlight

    You don't need full sun to grow fruit in your landscape. Many plants do respectably well in partial sun. But you do need to have enough sunlight for the crops you choose. Each one is different.

  • Consider Moisture

    Some crops are persnickety about moisture. Others aren’t. Things like irrigation or moist pockets in your yard can affect your choice.

  • Make it Ornamental Too!

    What height will look good? Are you trying to hide a fence or building? Do you want showy spring bloom or fall leaf colour?

Grow Heaps of Fruit

Our fruit programs give you the knowledge, tips, and creative ideas you need to grow and harvest fruit in home gardens and edible landscapes in colder climates.

  • Informative videos walk you through fruit care, pruning, feeding, propagation, varieties, and harvest. Over 2.5 hours of video instruction. Value $150.

  • Inspiring interviews with experts to give you creative ideas for adding easy-to-grow fruit to your landscape. Value $50.

  • The easy-to-follow e-book sums up the information from the video lessons for quick reference and review. Value $25.

  • Library of articles with in-depth fruit-growing information for cold-climate gardeners. Value $50.

  • Membership in our online community so you can ask your fruit-growing questions any time. Value $100.

Harvest Lots of Fruit
...Don't be Disappointed

Find fruit crops that fit your climate and schedule

Home landscapes don’t always have textbook growing conditions, so we can't always garden by the book. Our fruit program helps you sort out the ideal growing conditions.

And then helps you know when to bend the rules. So that you can weave fruiting plants into your landscape. (And not be a slave to them!)

Choose Your Program

Don't waste money on fruit plants that won't thrive in your yard

  • Fruit Masterclass

    Videos - $150 value
    Interviews - $50 value
    E-book - $25 value
    Library of Articles - $50 value
    Community - $100 value

    $375 value for


    Start Now
  • Fruit Apprentice

    Library of Articles

    Email support - $25 value
    Live Q+A - $25 value

    $425 value for


    Start Now
  • Fruit Camp

    Library of Articles

    Email support
    Live Q+A

    Engaging live classes
    ONLY 30 Spots

    $50 value

    $475 value for


    Save Your Spot Now

Dates for Upcoming Live Events

Live Q+A

7:30 p.m. ET, by Zoom

  • June 9, 2025

2025 Fruit Camp

An annual event! 2 evenings of live fruit-growing instruction, discussion, and Q+A.

7:30 p.m. ET, by Zoom

  • April 14, 2025
  • April 17, 2025


Live events are recorded. If something comes up at the last minute, you won't miss out.

Hey there!

I'm Steven Biggs

I'm a cold-climate fruit expert, horticulturist, and former horticulture instructor with Durham and George Brown Colleges in Canada.

I was recognized by Garden Making Magazine as one of the "green gang" making a difference in horticulture. My passion is incorporating edible crops into home gardens. My Toronto yard includes a driveway garden, rooftop kitchen garden, wicking beds, and lots and lots of fruit crops in the landscape.

I’ve been giving workshops and doing interviews about growing fruit since 2011. But my fascination with fruit started way before that, when I ripped out my driveway and front lawn to make a fruit-filled landscape that included a blackberry-cloaked fence, a serviceberry hedge, mulberry, figs, and more!

I’d love it if you join me to dig into all sorts of fun and unique fruit crops for the edible landscape.

Risk Free

We're committed to your success.

We’ll give you a full refund within 30 days of purchasing the course if you feel that it's not for you.

No questions asked.

What Our Students Say

“I really enjoyed the course and the heaps of good information. I tend to be a lazy gardener…perfect for me!”

“I really enjoyed your workshop and got lots of inspiration. Just wish my downtown garden would be a bit bigger and less shady. But you gave me good ideas for the shade.”

“Thank you for a great class. It reinforced some existing ideas and stirred some new ones. Can’t wait to tackle the garden.”

Fruit Included

Covering more than 20 fruits, the focus is easy-to-grow fruit suited to northern gardens. Fruits include cherry-family crops, currants, cane fruit such as raspberry and blackberry, elderberry, serviceberry and saskatoon, haskap, plum family, medlar, melon, husk cherries...and more!

This program does NOT focus on high-maintenance tree fruits that need care and pampering. Because they're not a practical choice for most busy home gardeners.


  • I already grow fruit. Is this for me?

    We go through crop ideas, growing, propagation and challenges. If you want to brush up on any of these, this fruit program is for you.

    If you have visions of a home orchard with rows of tree fruits, this program is NOT for you. In this program, we focus on practical, easy to grow fruit crops for home gardens and edible landscapes.

  • What if I sign up for the Apprenticeship or Camp and can't attend the live events?

    The live events are recorded so that you can watch them afterwards.

  • How long do I have access to the material?

    You have unlimited access for 1 year.

  • What's the online community that's included with the fruit programs?

    The Food Garden Gang community is for students currently enrolled in our courses. We have Q+A areas for a number of topics, including fruit. You can ask your questions, and share your wins.

  • I have specific questions about fruit crops for my garden. Which option is best?

    At Fruit Camp we take time to discuss individual questions. We look at pictures and garden designs from attendees, to tackle specific pruning and care questions, or individual plant choice queries. We also dig into specific questions at the live Q+A events.

  • What currency are your prices in?

    Canadian dollars.

    (Which might make this even better value if you're outside of Canada! Even though many online businesses worldwide charge USD...I just don't like paying USD when shopping in Canada. That's why I charge C$.)

  • What if this isn't for me?

    We’ll give you a full refund within 30 days of purchasing course. No questions asked.

Learn How to Landscape with Fruit!

Don't waste another cent on plants that are the wrong choice for your yard

  • Fruit Masterclass

    Start any time!


    Start Now
  • Fruit Apprentice

    Start any time!

    And get answers to your questions at the live Q+A events and by email.


    Start Now
  • Fruit Camp

    April 14 and 17, 2025
    7:30 - 9:30 p.m. ET

    Only 30 spots, so reserve yours today!


    Reserve Your Spot